Why Shop independent?

There are more reasons than ever to support local indie bookshops, here are some reasons why we encourage people to shop with us:


We are more than just a bookshop, we provide a welcoming community space for people to engage with each other, meet new people and discuss important topics. By hosting a range of events, such as bookclubs, panel discussions and workshops we aim to engage people with community action and diverse literature. 


We have a carefully curated selection of books available in the shop and can give you completely personalised recommendations! Just pop into our store, or use our chat box button letting us know what you’re looking for and we can get back to you with a specially tailored list.

Ethical Shopping

By buying a book from us, you are contributing to the local and national economy and society. We support local charities as much as we can and we also make sure our staff are well looked after and are paid AT LEAST the national living wage.

Supporting Writers

Our bookshop mostly stocks women, non-binary authors, and other marginalised writers who are sometimes deprioritised in mainstream publishing. We work with a lot of independent, radical publishers giving voice to important stories told by marginalised writers, as well as highlighting local and emerging authors we love.

Our Favourite Indie Bookshops in the UK

Afrori Books



Lighthouse Bookshop



Gays the Word



Category is books



Queer Lit



The Bookish Type



Struggling financially? We know how much difference a few pounds can make when buying a book. If you want to support us, but can’t right now, you may be eligible to join our free library scheme. Click here to find out more.

Another amazing way to support us is by spreading the word and following our social media accounts. Also tag us in your posts, we love to see your photos of our shop and what you’ve all been reading!